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Climate change is the single most pressing issue facing our country. To deny that it is happening is to deny the livelihoods of so many generations that come after us. We pledge to address this existential crisis through sweeping policy reform with goals to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 and achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, all while creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs. For those whose jobs may be endangered by this new, greener path our nation is taking, we will not leave you behind. Rather, we pledge to help affected populations through the transition to clean energy and ensure they find sustainable, well-paying jobs in renewable energy. We have to do everything we can to make sure that we fight climate change, because this issue isn’t about us, it’s about our children. Fighting climate change is key to making sure that we leave our children with a world that is habitable and prosperous, and I know that, regardless of political party, we only want the best for our children.  

Healthcare for All- Public Option

Access to healthcare is a pressing issue for many United States citizens. Far too many Americans have died from not being able to get the care they needed, whether they had to choose between healthcare and bills or had to ration their insulin. Health insurance is necessary in order to pay for proper care in our country. A Public Option system is the only solution to ensure every American can receive this basic fundamental right. Not only will this system create a plan that is affordable for those who can’t afford a private plan, but it will also allow those with a current private plan to retain it. The government run program will not charge extra premiums for those with pre-existing conditions, and will reduce the cost of healthcare in general. Lauren Davis and Carter Hernandez pledge to make sure every American receives the care they deserve regardless of age, race, gender, location, or socioeconomic status. Our administration will also prevent the monopolistic drug companies from profiteering off of the health problems of low-income families. With a large number of citizens under the public option program, the government will be able to negotiate with big pharma for lower prices. 

Criminal Justice Reform

In the United States, it is obvious that we have an incarceration problem. Black and brown folks makeup 56% of U.S. prison populations, despite being 32% of the population. Our prisons are overpopulated because we allow companies and big corporations to make money off of punishment. As your president and vice president, we pledge to end private prisons, ensuring that, no matter what color your skin is, you are treated equally under the law. We also can’t talk about criminal justice without talking about policing in America. The vast majority of police officers in the United States are good at their job and follow their oath to “protect and serve.” Yet, we see far too often that Black and brown Americans are at the receiving end of police violence, including death, when they are doing nothing wrong. In office, we will work to make sure that no American has to fear the police and that everyone, especially minority communities, are safe from police brutality. To do this, we will end qualified immunity and make sure that bad cops no longer patrol the streets with a badge and gun. We also want to make sure that the right people are responding to the right issues, and will work to get local law enforcement agencies to use healthcare professionals and social workers to respond to non-violent issues and help defuse potentially violent situations. 

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Education is essential to guaranteeing every student access to the American Dream. However, not all public primary and secondary schools are equal. Some schools receive more funding and resources than others. This means that students are educationally advantaged or disadvantaged based solely on where they live. By reforming how public primary and secondary schools are funded, as well as continuing to push for Affordable Housing in wealthy communities, we pledge to create more equal opportunities for young Americans and increase financial support for educators. Affordable Housing will provide children of low-income families with increased opportunities in the classroom. Additionally, the cost of obtaining a higher education degree has increased exponentially. The high cost blocks low income and middle income students from receiving a degree that would grant them greater job opportunities. By lowering student loan interest rates and diversifying federal loan repayment programs, we can increase class mobility for all Americans. 

Economy & Worker’s Rights

In the economy today there is a huge wealth gap that needs to be minimized. We see that as the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and our goal is to put an end to this disparity. All Americans deserve access to respectable employment, a livable paycheck, and ability to organize to improve working conditions. By encouraging higher pay of low wage workers, we will work to decrease the wealth gap and better economic class relations in the United States. Everyone goes through hard times, but those hard times should not define an individual’s life. We will expand the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program to provide families more time to become financially self-sufficient. 

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